Everyone consumes and participates in social media differently. Have you ever wondered what types of personalities exist online and the best ways to reach each personality? Understanding the major types of social media users will give you an idea of the type of content that will appeal to them the most. With this information in hand, you can create the most effective social media content for your business. Keep reading to learn about the 10 types of social media users.

The 10 Types of Social Media Users

Each type of social media user has their own agenda when they spend time online. If you know what they’re looking for, you’ll be able to speak to them directly.

The Listener

This is an active user of social media who prefers to spend most of their time flying under the radar online. Even if they really enjoy someone’s posts, they still might not actually “like” them. This could be because they don’t want anyone else to know that they enjoy an account’s posts, or because they simply want to listen without adding anything. Similarly, leaving comments is uncommon for listeners. Posting to their own accounts is even less common and may not be something they ever consider.

The best way to reach listeners is with social proof, particularly if it comes from their friends and family.

The Activist

An activist is someone who understands the platform that social media gives them to affect change. They use the power and potential audience social media provides to support a cause that they believe in.

If you want to reach activists, you should focus on how you can help them spread messages they care about.

The Spammer

A spammer doesn’t necessarily only leave spam comments. They may also simply post invaluable or irrelevant information, even though they think it is “quality” content. You probably find yourself scrolling past their posts without even looking at it.

Interacting with this type of social media user takes up valuable time. The best course of action is to remove them as a connection or ignore them.

The Passionista

A passionista is a social media user who really makes social media a better place. Driven almost exclusively by passion, they use their time to explore their passions and share them with even more people. 

Reaching passionistas can be done by finding intriguing ways to demonstrate that you share their passion. Your content should add to conversations that are already happening in this space, even if they do not directly link back to your brand.

The Social Butterfly

This type of social media user uses social media as a bit of a status symbol. Their goal in using these platforms is to show others how many people they know – and seemingly like them. Almost all of their posts will be tagging other people that they are hanging out with.

Making them feel included and giving them ways to connect with others is often the best way to interact with social butterflies.

The Troll

Trolls are an unfortunate and inevitable part of social media these days. These users seem to always cross the line from simply disagreeing with something to being downright disrespectful or inappropriate. No matter what you say to them, you will not change their mind.

It is not worth the time or effort to give any attention to trolls. The best course of action is to simply block them.

The Influencer

An influencer is someone who creates original social media content. They spend a lot of time and resources producing high-quality content to be shared on their social accounts. They typically come from a place of expertise and use social media as their platform to share their knowledge with others. Influencers usually have a passion for educating others.

Reaching influencers is most effectively done by engaging with their content regularly. This can mean liking, commenting, or sharing with your own audience.

The Black Booker

Black bookers are relationship builders on social media. They view social media practically, thinking about it as an effective way to communicate with other people. These are the same type of people who would have kept a black book of phone numbers in the years before cell phones.

The best way to reach these social media users is to give them resources that will bring them closer to their contacts. In addition, your messaging should focus on building relationships.

The Early Adopter

An early adopter is exactly what it sounds like. They are the type of people who hop on new platforms and new trends before it becomes the cool thing to do. For example, they may have joined BeReal well before every news outlet started writing about it. 

The best way to connect with early adopters is to be ahead of the curve. Don’t hesitate to try out new trends or platforms before they really take off. This will show them that you are worth following and listening to.

The Family Person

These users probably don’t like social media all that much, except for the fact that it allows them to keep in touch with distant friends and family. They use it mainly to connect with those they love who are geographically very far away from them. But with social media, it can feel like they are right down the street.

A good way to reach these social media users is to focus on how you can make them feel closer to their loved ones.

Reach All Types of Social Media Users With 98 Buck Social

No matter who you are trying to reach online, 98 Buck Social is here to help. Our consistent social media posting service, paid advertising services, or SEO services can ensure you reach all the different types of social media users effectively. Take a look at our wide range of services and schedule a call with one of our experts to learn more about our service today.

When you advertise on social media, you have multiple pricing models to choose from. Generally, the two most common choices are CPC and CPM, but many people might not understand the difference between them. It may be even harder to know which one is right for the advertisements you are trying to run for your business. Keep reading to better understand CPC vs CPM pricing for social media advertisements.

What Are CPC and CPM?

CPC is a metric that stands for “cost per click.” With this pricing model, you are charged a certain amount every time someone clicks on the ad. So, the fewer people who click on your ad, the less you pay. As an example, if you were set to pay $0.30 per click and your ad gets 2,000 clicks, you would pay $600. If you only got 1,500 clicks, you would pay $450 and if you got 3,000 clicks, you would pay $900.

Meanwhile, CPM stands for “cost per mille.” “Mille” is the word for every 1,000 impressions your ad gets, which is why you may sometimes hear CPM referred to as “cost per thousand impressions.” If you choose this pricing model, you pay a specific amount to get your ad seen 1,000 times. The price does not increase or decrease no matter how many, or how few, clicks the ad gets.

How Does CPC Bidding Work?

If you’ve decided CPC is the right pricing model for you, there are two different bidding options available to you. You can choose from automatic bidding or manual bidding. With automatic bidding, you set a daily budget and the platform tries to get you as many clicks as possible for your budget. As an added layer of protection, you can set a maximum cost per click, so that the platform doesn’t spend more than you want it to. Manual bidding means you set a maximum CPC bid, which is the most you’re willing to pay for any one click on your ad. This approach gives you more control, but it does take more work on your part.

Ad platforms judge CPC ads based on their click-through rate, quality score, and more. This is in addition to how much the competition is willing to bid for the same keyword. The more competition there is, the higher the CPC will be.

How Does CPM Bidding Work?

CPM bidding tends to be a bit of a pay-to-play format. The company that places the highest bid will rank at number one. If you have a large budget, this could work in your favor as you’ll get the best placement purely because you pay the most. However, for businesses with smaller budgets, this will almost never work out in their favor.

Is CPC or CPM Right For Me?

Only you can decide which is right for you based on your budget. However, there are certain cases where one might be better than the other.

Drawbacks and Benefits of CPC

Many businesses will choose CPC if their goal for their ad campaign is to drive conversions such as sales or website visits. This tends to work well for online stores that are dependent on people clicking through the ad and actually purchasing from the website. With CPC ads, there are fewer impressions, but the ads are usually more tailored and targeted. So although there may be fewer impressions overall, they should be high-quality impressions, from people who are actually interested. Since you’re paying every time someone clicks on the ad, it is the goal that most people will make a purchase. It’s also easy to measure the exact return on investment of CPC ads since from their click, you can track the rest of their buyer journey.

Drawbacks and Benefits of CPM

CPM might be the best choice if a business is aiming to increase its brand awareness. Higher-end, more expensive products or services benefit more from a general awareness by the people who would be most interested in them. The benefit of CPM ads is that you can get specific with where and to whom you want your ad to be shown. Still, it’s important to note that impressions don’t always mean views. For instance, your ad might be placed on a website that someone is viewing. However, that doesn’t automatically mean that the viewer saw or engaged with it. They may have simply looked past it. Either way, you are still paying for that impression.

In addition, if measuring results is something that is important to you, CPM can be difficult to track. Knowing how many impressions were actually views is difficult, if not impossible. It will be similarly difficult or impossible to measure how those impressions affected your bottom line.

Social Media Advertising from 98 Buck Social

When you sign up for paid social media advertising from 98 Buck Social, we can help you decide which choice is right for you. We can walk you through why your business in particular might be interested in one option over another. Schedule a call with a member of 98 Buck Social’s expert social media team today.

Advertisements are something we see countless times every day whether it’s on TV, on billboards, or on our phones. Today, digital advertising is one of the most effective ways for businesses of all kinds to reach a wider audience, increase their visibility, and obtain more sales. This article will introduce you to paid media advertising and all the ways it can work for your business.

What Is Paid Media Advertising?

Paid media advertising is when businesses pay for advertisements that direct users to a specific message, usually to the company’s website. A lot of businesses will invest in this because they tend to produce results more quickly than organic digital marketing strategies. Paid media ads appear on search engine results pages, on websites, or on social media platforms. Their placement makes it easy for potential customers to see them and click on them. They increase the chances of the person making a purchase, signing up for an email list, etc. 

What Are the Benefits of Paid Media Advertising?

Businesses look to paid media advertising for a variety of reasons. Some of them include:

  • Reaching more people
  • Directly targeting specific audiences
  • Seeing results quicker than through organic efforts
  • Generating high-quality website traffic
  • Increasing conversion rates

What Are the Types of Paid Media Advertising?

While paid ads can come in several varieties, there are three that are the most common: display ads, search ads, ands social media ads.

What Are Display Ads?

These paid ads show up on websites in different forms such as banners, images, text, or videos. This is why they are often called banner ads. This type of ad shows up on a website for a specific period of time, leading the user to a website. Often, a display ad is embedded into another website in the form of an image or a gif. Display ads like pop-ups, wallpaper ads, and video ads are something you’ve probably seen on nearly every website you’ve ever visited. These are usually pretty affordable and work well to increase brand awareness and recognition. One downfall of display ads is that because they are so common, a lot of users tend to simply ignore them altogether.

What Are Search Ads?

Search ads appear on search engine results pages (SERPs). Most commonly, they are placed on Google and Bing, as they are the two leading search engines in the world. In fact, Google generates about 61% of US searches. Meanwhile, Bing produces another 27% of those searches. Search ads can be paid for in a few different ways. This includes pay-per-click (PPC) and cost-per-mille (CPM) ads. With PPC ads, the advertiser is charged every time a user clicks on it. With CPM ads, you are charged a certain amount every time your ad is shown to 1,000 users. There are pros and cons to both types of search ads, so you will need to decide which option is right for you.

What Are Social Media Ads?

Social media ads appear on social media platforms, typically integrating seamlessly with a user’s feed. Paid social media is probably the most popular type of paid ad. Just about every social media platform has paid advertising options now. However, the best-performing platforms for paid social ads are Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Snapchat. Each of these platforms gives you the option to create ads or boost your organic posts. Most platforms also offer sponsored ads. There are certain social media platforms that are a better match for B2B advertisements as opposed to B2C advertisements. For example, LinkedIn tends to work best for B2B brands looking to reach other professionals. TikTok and Snapchat work better for B2C companies.

How Do I Know If My Paid Ads Are Working?

No advertising method should be done blindly. The following metrics are effective ways to measure how well your paid ads are working for you:

  • Click-through-rate (CTR): The total number of users who click on your ad divided by the number of times the ad was displayed. A higher CTR signals that your content and call-to-action are working well.
  • Conversion rate: This is one of the most important metrics you can track. It means that your ad convinced people to take an action such as purchasing a product or filling out a form.
  • Customer acquisition cost: This number can be calculated at the end of your campaign by dividing the total amount spent by the total number of conversions. It will tell you how much it costs on average to get a new customer. Here, lower is of course better.

Start Utilizing Paid Advertising With 98 Buck Social’s Help

To take your digital marketing efforts to the next level, you need paid advertising. But, it can understandably be overwhelming to get started. 98 Buck Social makes it much easier, as we take care of all of the setup and even come up with the ad creative for you. See how our paid advertising services can benefit your business by checking out our advertising packages here.

More than ninety percent of online experiences start on a search engine. Now more than ever, you need a well-organized local SEO strategy if you want to get ahead of the competition. While you may feel like being a locally owned business automatically gets you the attention you need, you will be amazed at how beneficial local SEO can be. 

What Is Local SEO?

Local SEO refers to search engine optimization when it comes to local search results. It means optimizing your website so that it appears higher as a result of searches for a particular geographical area. Depending on the size and scope of a business, this geographical area can be as small as a specific neighborhood, or as large as multiple large cities within a state. 

Local SEO works by properly configuring a website’s content, meta tags, and other aspects of a website to ensure that they contain relevant keywords and phrases associated with the business’ location and services. It also involves managing external signals like reviews, backlinks, and directory listings. All of these factors show search engines that your business is authoritative and worth recommending to searchers. 

Benefits of Local SEO for Your Business

There are a number of great benefits to using local SEO for your business and these are just a few of them.

Website Traffic Will Increase

When potential customers type in their search, you want your business to rank as high as possible, especially considering local information is the subject of nearly half of all Google searches. Using the right phrases and keywords is the key to attaining this ranking. Studies show that about eighteen percent of searches follow the number one position on a search result. It drops to about ten percent of people following their search through to the second position, and about seven percent will click on the third position. This ranking shows how important local SEO leading to that first position will be to your business.

Better Conversion Rates

In addition to increased website traffic, the traffic you get is likely to convert better. This is because people who are looking for local businesses are probably more intent on purchasing. These customers know you will be able to provide your product or service to them. Just make sure you provide an easy way for people to purchase from your site.

It Is Here to Stay

Utilizing local SEO is being done by your competitors, and it is here to stay. Your competitors are vying for those first positions, so you have to stay on top and consistently maintain that position. The importance of local SEO is only going to increase over time, so implementing a strategy now will only benefit your business.

You can continue to use the best practices and a tactical strategy for maintaining your local SEO by staying well-educated and updated on the trends. By keeping yourself updated on current trends, you will increase your chances of remaining in the number one position of potential customer searches.

It Helps Build Awareness and Credibility

Brand awareness is a very important part of any successful marketing strategy. It ensures that even if people don’t want to purchase from you right now, they will think about you when they need it in the future. When your business appears high in local searches, it is one more way for local customers to be exposed to your name. It helps establish your business as a trusted and reliable source of products or services. The goal is to have a consumer’s search take them to your website, where they will discover a clean and productive experience.

Get Started With Local SEO

While all of the elements of a solid SEO strategy will take effort, patience, and commitment to implement, it will be worth it. These efforts will pay off when viewers learn to recognize and trust your business. If you simply don’t have the time to educate yourself about every aspect of local SEO and put it into action for your business, you could always outsource the responsibility. 98 Buck Social’s SEO packages include local SEO tactics, among many other important features. Get in touch to learn more about our local SEO services today.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a way to ensure that your website is visible in organic search engine results. On the other hand, social media is an excellent platform to help you reach more people and connect with potential customers. Clearly, they work well separately, but they’re even better together! Read on to learn how combining SEO and social media can lead to huge benefits for your business. 

SEO + Social Media = More Exposure 

One of the most important benefits of combining SEO and social media is the increased exposure it can lead to for your business. Properly optimizing your website ensures that potential customers will be able to find you easily through organic searches. Meanwhile, if they are active on social media, they may come across one of your posts. This could also drive them to your website. Using both of these strategies together gives you twice the chance to reach new customers.

Build Brand Awareness 

Utilizing both SEO and social media together can build brand awareness among potential customers. SEO techniques like keyword research, link building, and content optimization can help you ensure that searchers see relevant information about your business when they conduct an online search related to the products or services that you offer. On the other hand, your social media content can help you reach new audiences who may not have heard of your business before. Who knows, these new audiences could potentially become loyal customers after learning more about your business.

Higher Quality Content 

Another great benefit of combining SEO and social media is that it allows you to create higher-quality content. How? When you make keyword research a part of your content creation process, you can make sure that what you’re creating is relevant to what people are searching for online. For example, if you know a lot of people have recently been searching for “blog writing services,” you can make sure your upcoming social media posts and blog posts reflect this. This way, people making similar searches on social media or search engines both have a higher chance of seeing your company.

Increase Credibility

People notice more than you may think. When they see that your website shows up high on search results pages and that your content is popular on social media, they become a lot more likely to trust your company. Over time, this improved credibility will lead to increased sales and conversions.

Social Media Can Drive Traffic While SEO Is Working

If you know anything about SEO, you probably know that it is a long-term process. It is completely normal to not see results until six months to a year after you begin your efforts. This can seem discouraging, but it will pay off in the long run. While you wait for SEO to get to work in the background, your social media can start giving you immediate results. Bonus points if you can use your social media to drive traffic to your website. Search engines will notice this increased traffic, which can encourage them to push up your ranking.

SEO and Social Media Under One Roof

Businesses that prioritize both SEO and social media see powerful results. As their online visibility improves, they get more opportunities for leads and conversions, which leads to more revenue. Even if you didn’t put a ton of time and effort into both strategies, simply understanding them can help you perform better on both channels. Conducting research on your audience using social media can help you create more targeted content for your website. Conversely, researching what topics people are searching for on search engines can also tell you what kind of content might be valuable to share on social media. 98 Buck Social makes this possible, especially when you can keep your SEO marketing and social media marketing efforts all under one roof. We can take care of both marketing channels for you, along with additional services such as paid social advertising and text message marketing.

In your search for a social media marketing agency, it is likely that you came across two companies with very similar-sounding names. Both 98 Buck Social and 98 Dollar Social focus on providing affordable social media management and content creation services. So, how in the world do you choose between 98 Buck Social vs 98 Dollar Social, especially when their initial packages start at the exact same price? By the end of this post, you’ll have a clear understanding of the differences between these two companies, which will help you decide on the best option for you.

Contract Options and Cancellations

The first place to compare these two companies is with their contract and cancellation terms. 98 Dollar Social offers month-to-month contracts and requires 30 days of notice to cancel. In contrast, 98 Buck Social requires a two-month minimum for all plans and just 7 days of notice to cancel.

Services Offered

When comparing 98 Buck Social vs 98 Dollar Social, Tte thing that really makes the difference is the services they offer. 98 Dollar Social only offers organic social media content creation and posting. If your needs involve anything more than that, that’s where their service stops. Their $98 per month package includes 3 posts per week, which go out on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday schedule. 

Meanwhile, 98 Buck Social offers a plethora of services, making it a one-stop shop for all of your digital marketing needs. In addition to their signature organic content services, there is so much more. They can assist you with targeted social media advertising on all your favorite platforms. This includes Facebook, Instagram, Google, YouTube, TikTok, Pinterest, and LinkedIn. They can even provide product photography services, so you have the best photos of your product to share online.

If you’re looking to improve your website’s search engine optimization, 98 Buck Social can also assist with that. Their SEO marketing packages include keyword research and analysis, on-page optimization, local SEO and Google Maps optimization, link building and outreach, and more. Plus, they provide blog writing services that utilize your top keywords and improve your SEO over time. These blog writing services can include anywhere from one to four SEO blog posts per month.

Finally, 98 Buck Social also offers an easy-to-use text message marketing platform, giving you another way to create a personal connection with your customers. And keep your eyes peeled for TikTok and Reels options coming soon.


As you would expect, the pricing of services varies depending on what you are getting. 98 Dollar Social starts at $98 per month for 3 organic social media posts per week and goes up to $598 per month for 14 posts per week.

98 Buck Social’s pricing also begins at $98 per month for 3 organic social media posts per week. The most expensive organic social media package is $448 per month for 5 posts per week. Their paid media advertising packages range from $349 per month to $498 per month. SEO marketing services cost between $349 and $798, while blog writing services range from $198 per month to $498 per month.

Support Offered

Unfortunately, 98 Dollar Social does not mention how customers can get support when questions or concerns come up. Meanwhile, 98 Buck Social has multiple support options for customers. Depending on the package you sign up for, you could receive your choice of chat, phone, and email support. 

Clients Served

98 Dollar Social has served less than 3000 clients since it opened its doors. In comparison, 98 Buck Social is one of the most experienced affordable social media marketing agencies out there. They have served over 7000 clients since 2015.

Who to Choose: 98 Buck Social vs 98 Dollar Social

Selecting 98 Buck Social over 98 Dollar Social is a smart decision for any organization. Their comprehensive social media management packages that you won’t find at 98 Dollar Social leave no need to hunt for additional help. They also provide superior customer support, allowing clients to get individual attention and guidance. Lastly, 98 Buck Social’s experienced team members offer not just years of expertise but also the passion and dedication necessary to ensure success. With these features combined, it’s no wonder why 98 Buck Social is considered an industry leader when it comes to affordable social media management. Furthermore, it’s why so many clients have chosen them time and time again when looking to promote their businesses online. Click here to learn more today.

Creating social media content can be a challenge. We all want more engagement, but it’s not always clear how to get that. Some posts that we spend hours on only get 5 likes and no shares. Meanwhile, a post that took 10 minutes to put together becomes one of your top performers. Much of these results are related to the shareability of the piece of content. As people share your content with their own followers, the reach – and potential engagement – on your posts increases dramatically. In this post, we’ll discuss factors that can make your content more shareable content and how you can incorporate them into your own posts.

Why Is Shareable Content Important?

Shareable content is the holy grail of social media growth. The higher-ranking content on most platforms isn’t necessarily measured by likes, but rather by how many times people share it. That’s why creating sharable content is key if you’re aiming for social media growth. When the algorithm ranks your social media posting higher, it gets pushed even to people who don’t follow you. 

How to Create Shareable Social Media Content

Now that you know what shareable content is and why you want to create it for your own accounts, let’s talk about how you can start making some. These are the five steps you should follow if you want to create social media content that gets people to share it with their friends.

Provide Useful Information

The first thing you can do to create shareable content is provide useful information within the posts. If your information is helpful, viewers will want to share your post to keep the message going and help more people. If you’re not sure what kind of information your followers would consider useful, think about the questions they ask you most frequently. You can even use Google to search for other questions related to your industry that clearly many people are searching for.

Make Eye-Catching Visuals

It has been proven time and time again that posts without a visual element such as a picture, video, or gif, do not perform as well. This is especially true when it comes to how many shares a post gets. Including an eye-catching visual element will make people stop to read your post and encourage them to share it with others. One way you can create attractive visuals and provide useful information in the same post is to create infographics. In fact, infographics are shared three times more than other content types on social media! 

Mix Trendy and Evergreen Content

If you want people to share your posts, tailor your content to reflect the current social media trends. This doesn’t mean that you need to jump on every single trend that comes around. Before you decide to participate, make sure it fits with your brand. Even still, you shouldn’t focus all of your attention on trendy content. Mix in evergreen content as well, which is content that will be relevant and applicable if someone reads it right when it’s posted or if they read it a year later.

Offer Something Unique

There’s a lot of noise on social media. If you want your content to be heard, you need to offer something unique. That could be an interesting perspective on current events or exclusive behind-the-scenes photos. If you offer a product or service that is very similar to other businesses, focus on what makes your offering different. In other words, what is your unique selling point? You always want to make sure you give people a reason to stop and notice your content. 

Tell a Story

Stories are a great piece of shareable social media content because they’re easy for people to connect with. A story can be just about anything. You can tell your audience more information about yourself or your business, try to evoke emotions, or give them a better idea of what the content is really about. People love sharing stories with their friends online, especially when the stories make them laugh or help them relive special moments.

Start Reaping the Benefits of Shareable Content

When it comes to your social media content, more shares mean more traffic, engagement, and leads. Now that’s something that everyone wants when it comes to social media marketing. If you want to begin posting content that gets people to share it, consider following the steps above. Making it useful, visually appealing, trendy or evergreen, unique, and tell a story will encourage people to share it with their audience. 

When you’re looking for help creating content for your social media accounts, 98 Buck Social is here to help. Our social media management packages ensure that your business is active online, letting people know that you are open for business. Check out all of our options today.